Structure & Union

 A structure is in many ways similar to a record. It stores related information about an entity. Structure is basically a user-defined data type that can store related information (even of different data types) together. The major difference between a structure and an array is that an array can store only information of same data type.

A structure is therefore a collection of variables under a single name. The variables within a structure are of different data types and each has a name that is used to select it from the structure.


Structure Declaration 

A structure is declared using the keyword struct followed by the structure name. All the variables of the structure are declared within the structure. A structure type is generally declared by using the following syntax:

struct struct_name


data_type var–name;

data_type var–name;




Initialization of Structures 

A structure can be initialized in the same way as other data types are initialized. Initializing a structure means assigning some constants to the members of the structure. When the user does not explicitly initialize the structure, then C automatically does it. For int and float members, the values are initialized to zero, and char and string members are initialized to '\0' by default. The initializers are enclosed in braces and are separated by commas. However, care must be taken to ensure that the initializers match their corresponding types in the structure definition. The general syntax to initialize a structure variable is as follows:

struct struct_name


data_type member_name1;

data_type member_name2;

}struct_var = {constant1, constant2, constant3,...};


struct struct_name


data_type member_name1;

data_type member_name2;


 struct struct_name struct_var = {constant1, constant2, constant 3,...};


Accessing the Members of a Structure 

Each member of a structure can be used just like a normal variable, but its name will be a bit longer. A structure member variable is generally accessed using a '.' (dot) operator. The syntax of accessing a structure or a member of a structure can be given as:


The dot operator is used to select a particular member of the structure. For example, to assign values to the individual data members of the structure variable studl, we may write

stud1.r_no = 01; = "Rahul";

stud1.course = "BCA";

stud1.fees = 45000;

To input values for data members of the structure variable stud1, we may write



Similarly, to print the values of structure variable stud1, we may write




Example of Structure



struct student{

            int roll;

            char name[20];


void main(){

            struct student stud;


            cout<<"Enter roll number and name:";


            cout<<endl <<"Roll Number:” <<stud.roll <<” “ <<”Name:" <<;




        Enter roll number and name: 1 hanuman

        Roll Number: 1 Name: Hanuman

Passing Structure to functions 

For structures to be fully useful, we must have a mechanism to pass them to functions and return them. A function may access the members of a structure in two ways:


Call by value

The values of the variables are passed by the calling function to the called function.


Example of Passing Structure to function (call by value)



struct student{

            int roll;

            char name[20];


void display(struct student p){

            cout<<endl <<"Roll Number:” <<p.roll <<” “ <<”Name:" <<;


void main(){

            struct student stud,p;


            cout<<"Enter roll number and name:";






        Enter roll number and name: 1   Hanuman

        Roll Number: 1 Name: Hanuman

Call by address 

The addresses of the variables are passed by the calling function to the called function.


Example of Passing Structure to function (call by address) 



struct student{

            int roll;

            char name[20];


void display(struct student *p){

            cout<<endl <<"Roll Number:” <<p->roll <<” “ <<”Name:" <<p->name;



void main(){

            struct student stud,*p;


            cout<<"Enter roll number and name:";



            cout<<endl <<"Roll Number:” <<stud.roll <<” “ <<”Name:" <<;




        Enter roll number and name: 1 Hanuman

        Roll Number: 1 Name: Hanuman

        Roll Number: 20 Name: Hanuman

Pointer to Structure

Pointer is a variable which points to the address of another variable of any data type like int , char , float etc. Similarly we can have a pointer to structures where a pointer variable can point to the address of a structure variable. For example

struct student stud,*p;





Example of Pointer to structure



struct student{

            int roll;

            char name[20];


void main(){

            struct student stud,*p;



            cout<<"Enter roll number and name:";


            cout<<endl <<"Roll Number:” <<p->roll <<” “ <<”Name:" <<p->name;




        Enter roll number and name: 1 Hanuman

        Roll Number: 1 Name: Hanuman

Structure With in Structure 

A structure can be placed within another structure, i.e., a structure may contain another structure as its member. A structure that contains another structure as its member is called a nested structure. Let us now see how we declare nested structures. Although it is possible to declare a nested structure with one declaration, it is not recommended. The easier and clearer way is to declare the structures separately and then group them in the higher level structure. When you do this, take care to check that nesting must be done from inside out (from lowest level to the most

inclusive level), i.e., declare the innermost structure, then the next level structure, working towards the outer (most inclusive) structure.

struct struct_name


            Int roll;

char name[20];

struct Age{

            int d;

            int m;

            int y;




Example of Structure within Structure



struct student{

            int roll;

            char name[20];

            struct age{

                        int d;

            int m;

                        int y;



void main(){

            struct student stud;


            cout<<"Enter student record:";


cout<<endl <<"Roll Number:” <<stud.roll <<” “ <<”Name:” << <<” “ <<”Age:” <<

              <<”-“ << <<”-“ <<;




        Enter student record: 1





        Roll Number: 1 Name: Hanuman Age: 22-01-1999

Structure With in Structure by Pointer

Passing large structures to functions using the call by value method is very inefficient. Therefore, it is preferred to pass structures through pointers. It is possible to create a pointer to almost any type in C, including the user-defined types. It is extremely common to create pointers to structures. Like in other cases, a pointer to a structure is never itself a structure, but merely a variable that holds the address of a structure. The syntax to declare a pointer to a structure can be given as,

struct struct_name


data_type member_name1;

data_type member_name2;



struct struct_name *ptr;

For our student structure, we can declare a pointer variable by writing

struct student *ptr_stud, stud;

The next thing to do is to assign the address of stud to the pointer using the address operator

(&), as we would do in case of any other pointer. So to assign the address, we will write

ptr_stud = &stud;


Example of Structure within Structure by pointer



struct student{

            int roll;

            char name[20];

            struct age


                        int d;

                        int m;

                        int y;



void main(){

            struct student stud,*p;



            cout<<"Enter student record:";


            cout<<endl <<"Roll Number:” <<p->roll <<” “ <<”Name:” <<p->name <<” “ <<”Age:”    

<<p->ag.d <<”-“ <<p->ag.m <<”-“ <<p->ag.y;




        Enter student record: 1





        Roll Number: 1 Name: Hanuman Age: 22-01-1999

Array of Structure 

An array of structures is declared in the same way as we declare an array of a built-in data type. Another example where an array of structures is desirable is in case of an organization. An organization has a number of employees. So, defining a separate structure for every employee is not a viable solution. So, here we can have a common structure definition for all the employees.This can again be done by declaring an array of structure employee.The general syntax for declaring an array of structures can be given as,

struct struct_name


data_type member_name1;

data_type member_name2;


struct struct_name struct_var[index];

Consider the given structure definition.

struct student


int r_no;

char name[20];

char course[20];

float fees;


A student array can be declared by writing,

struct student stud[30];




Example Array of Structure 



struct student{

            int roll;

            char name[20];


void main(){

            struct student stud[5];

            int i;


            cout<<"Enter student record:";





                        cout<<endl <<"Roll Number:” << stud[i].roll <<” “ <<”Name:" <<stud[i].name;





        Enter student record: 1     Hanuman

        2     Siyag

        3     Jaat

        4     Choudhary

        5     HSJC

        Roll Number: 1     Name: Hanuman

        Roll Number: 2     Name: Siyag

        Roll Number: 3     Name: Jaat

        Roll Number: 4     Name: Choudhary

        Roll Number: 5     Name: HSJC


Typedef is a keywords used in c language to assign alternative names to existing datatype. Its mostly used with user defined datatypes, when names of the datatypes become slighty complicated to use in programs.

            Typedef <existing_name> <alias_name>

            Typedef unsigned long ulong;

            Typedef struct struct_name{

                        Type member;


Example of typedef



typedef struct student{

            int roll;

            char name[20];


void main(){

            stud st;


            cout<<"Enter roll number and name:";


            cout<<endl <<"Roll number:” <<st.roll

<<“ “ <<”Name:" <<;




        Enter roll number and name: 1


        Roll number: 1 Name: hanuman

Void Pointer 

The void pointer In C is a pointer which is not associated with any data types.It points to some data location in the storage means points to the address of variable.It is also called general purpose pointer. In c malloc() and calloc() functions return void * or generic pointers.

Example of void pointer



void main(){

            void *p;

            int i=10;

            float a=5.5;



cout<<*((int *)p);


            cout<<endl <<*((float *)p);







Malloc method in c++ is used to dynamically allocate a single block of memory with the specified size.The malloc() function from C, still exists in C++, but it is recommended to avoid using malloc() function. The main advantage of new over malloc() is that new doesn't just allocate memory, it constructs objects which is prime purpose of C++.It returns a pointer of type void which can be cast into a pointer of any form.It intilializes each block with default garbage value.

            A=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*n);

Example of malloc




void main(){

            int i,n,*a;


            cout<<"Enter value of a:";


            a=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*n);

            cout<<"Enter elements in array:";




            cout<<endl <<"Elements in array:";


                        cout<<” “ <<a[i];






        Enter value of n: 5

        Enter elements in array:1





        Elements in array:1 2 3 4 5


Calloc method in c++ is used to dynamically allocate the specified number of blocks of memory of the specified type.It initializes each block with a default value ‘0’.

            A=(int *)calloc(sizeof(int),n);

Example of calloc




void main(){

            int i,n,*a;


            cout<<"Enter value of n:";


            a=(int *)calloc(sizeof(int),n);

            cout<<"Enter elements in array:";




            cout<<endl <<"Elements in array:";


                        cout<<" " <<a[i];






        Enter value of n: 5

        Enter elements in array:1





        Elements in array:    1     2     3     4     5


The concept of union is adopted from structure union follows the same syntax and way of declaration as followed by structure only one member can contains a value at a time.

            union union_name{

                        int x;

                        float y;

                        char z;



Example of union 



union student{

            int roll;

            char name[20];


void main(){

            union student stud;


            cout<<"Enter roll number:";


            cout<<endl <<"Enter name:";


            cout<<endl <<"Roll number:” <<stud.roll;

            cout<<endl <<"Name:" <<;




        Enter roll number:11

        Enter name: hanuman

        Roll number: 11

        Name: hanuman 

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